Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our little homeschool

My family has decided to homeschool and most of you know already. We have the schoolroom ready and I have been teaching, but never got around to blogging about it. Sigh. 

But, I have pictures and everything now! lol Here is the room almost completed.

The bookcase is from Ikea and the little boxes are Itso from Target. I keep all my things in the large boxes at the top and the work for the day goes into the small Itso boxes. The baskets underneath have books and other things The Dog likes to keep. 

How do you like the curtains I made? 

  Here is Daddy and The Dog putting his table together. It used to be mine when I was little and was just stained wood. We took the stain off and repainted it a color blue that The Dog chose. 

We have a whiteboard on the other side of the room, but the picture has our address on it since that is what we were working on at the time. I did blur out the address, but for some reason, it will only post the original picture. Maybe one day I will take another picture and show you the whiteboard. lol

My whiteboard is actually white shower board! It looks like just a white board and works like one too. The big difference? Price. A 6' x 8' piece was only $12! Yeah, that is in feet. If it doesn't hold up I can always go buy more and still save money. It was easy to install since it was so light. Just a screw into the stud every so often, and it is sturdy.

It is nice to have a dedicated room for school. Our messes don't go into other areas and then The Dog knows when he is that room, it is all business.

Now I should really get off the computer, lol.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Killer Bratwurst

Cooking is tricky work. Especially if you are my husband. Yesterday, being the good hubby he is, decided he would make leftovers for the Dog and myself. 

"What would he eat?" I wondered. Usually, it is some strange combination of leftover foods that no one would ever dare touch. Or his standby, spaghetti and ketchup. Ugh. I suppose tacos mixed with chicken a la king doesn't sound as bad as that.

I must be honest, I wasn't very concerned. The Hubby can fend for himself and really, I looked forward to sitting on my assets for a while. Then came the smell. 

Putrid, fatty, dead animal kind of smell. Putrid sums it up. I rush to the kitchen, scared to see what he exposed my dear Dog to. "Brats, honey. What's the big deal?" he innocently replied. Confusion mounting, I turn to the kitchen table and see three plates with food on them. The third plate looked like something out of Alien.

You see, this was no ordinary bratwurst. It was black, the casing bursting and grease oozing out of it, the insides squeezing out. Oh, I have heard of light black brats, but never had seen them or smelled them. Beige, light brown, dark brown, ones with green flecks, ones with red flecks; my hubs has eaten them all and they didn't gross me out like the smell of the black one. I can only imagine the look of terror and disgust that was on my face. I think there was a green fog of stench in the room, but maybe it was me trying to keep from fainting. Time stopped for Hubby; he was waiting for my eventual explosion.

"Open the windows, get those into the garage, what is IN THERE, I can't even look at them, oh god, it is going to REEK UPSTAIRS!" I wailed. Hubby ate quickly and turned on the fan. The Dog was cutely asking what were those things. I hid in my bedroom until the stink was gone. 

After I calmed down, ate my dinner in the bedroom, and things were sort of back to normal, I thought of friends who lived in Germany for a year or so. I heard such exciting stories of town festivals and such and I wanted to go there too. 

Now, I just don't know.

*this is obviously just a funny (or scary depending on your point of view) story. Germany does not have brat problems. That I know of.
*there are no pictures to this post. I thought you would appreciate that.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to my blog

For this new year, I have decided to start a blog. I have been feeling like journaling and people want to know what we are doing in our homeschool, so this is the perfect way to satisfy that. 
 I had originally wanted to do a homeschool blog that coincided with the start of school, but I was so busy with getting things organized that the blog never happened. 

Why did I name it Just This Side of Insanity? Some days feel like insanity are just around the corner! I am sure you have had days like that. Rushing all over the town, planning until your head explodes, dealing with the kids and a husband that sometimes acts like a kid. Then there is housework and cooking on top of that. You know the drill, lol. It can leave you feeling like a leaf in the wind. Hmm, that is a good name for a blog too. Leaf in the Wind. I think I'll keep my name. 

My blog will contain homeschooling, grief work, rantings on housework, and other general musings. I hope you enjoy it!